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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Back in DC

Apologies for the tardiness. I just got back to DC after a splendid week at Hamilton's graduation and finished my first day working at The Wilderness Society. Things have been hectic but I am rededicated.

Birding in NY was disappointing. It was windy, cold, overcast and rainy (and snowy and hail-y) the whole week, and my attempts to find the Northern Goshawk and Red Crossbill were unsuccessful. I'll post in more detail soon.

Another venture yesterday for a Lark Sparrow at Kenilworth Park was also unsuccessful.

This weekend I think I'm going to ride out to Delaware to find some shorebirds and, hopefully, a red knot. Stay tuned for that.

One cool thing: I was sorting through some pictures I took at the Arboretum a few weeks ago and came across a picture of a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird on its nest. One of the pair took some swoops at me while I was walking by and (ironically) tipped me off to the nest. It rests on a branch of a tree, I think its a sweet-gum, that's about 25 feet up into the gardens from the road. To find the nest, walk up from where cars sometimes park (and where a security guard stands) and find the branch that crosses the path across from a bench. It's tiny, and very cool.

A good bet for red knot is Port Mahon Road, which is a left off Route 9 a little south of Bombay Hook NWR. We had two there last Saturday.
Thanks, John. Hopefully I'll get lucky. What time of day were you out there?
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