Let's Do A Survey!
There is a little survey going around birding blogs. I love surveys. To the point, informational, no BS. I post birder surveys all the time (check out 'Birder Profiles' along the lefthand column). So, here are my answers:
What state (or country) do you live in? For now, Maine
How long have you been birding? 2 years
Are you a "lister"? Yep
ABA Life List: 249
Overall Life List: 249
3 Favorite Birding Spots: Bombay Hook DE, Montezuma Wetland Complex NY, coastal Maine
Favorite birding spot outside your home country: Not yet.
Farthest you've traveled to chase a rare bird: I'd travel anywhere...probably the pelagic trip because that took all day.
Nemesis bird: Peregrine Falcon...where are you!?
"Best" bird sighting: Dulles Snowy Owl
Most wanted trip: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Most wanted bird: Ross' Gull
What model and brand of bins do you use?: Nikon Monarch 10x42
What model and brand of scope do you use?: nada
What was the last lifer you added to your list?: Iceland Gull, today!
Where did you see your last lifer?: Pine Point, Scarborough, Maine
What's the last bird you saw today?: American Robin
Best bird song you've heard ever: Broad-Winged Hawk is my favorite...
Favorite birding moment: So many...seeing the Snow Geese at Bombay Hook.
Least favorite thing about birding: That it isn't more socially acceptable.
Favorite thing about birding: Absolutely everything, but, mostly, going to new places.
Favorite field guide for the US: Sibley
Favorite non-field guide bird book: Books are sooo 20th century. Try the Life of Birds DVDs from the BBC.
Who is your birder icon?: unsure...I'd have to say it was those guys on the Maryland pelagic.
Do you have a bird feeder(s)? Nope.
Favorite feeder bird? n/a